Fast Start: Mentally, Morally, & Physically
Aug 14, 2024
“Tips for Plebes to Start the Academic Year Running” - Shakir Robinson '15
Mental: As you kick off the academic year, one major step to starting fast is getting organized. Whether you prefer Google Calendar, Outlook, or a handwritten planner, keeping track of important events can help you stay ahead. Here are some key events to jot down:
- 6-week exams
- 12-week exams
- Finals
- Marching parades dates
- Family members’ birthdays
- Major holidays
- Papers and projects
- Sporting events
- Relaxation days
To excel in the classroom and handle the fast-paced 20+ credit workload, make the most of the educational resources available. Some valuable resources include:
- Extra instruction hours with professiors
- Study sessions with upperclassmen
- Peer-to-peer study groups (MGSP)
The Naval Academy’s academic year is broken into manageable chunks. Focus on the first 6 weeks, then the period from 6-12 weeks, and finally from 12 weeks to finals. Breaking the year into these smaller segments will help you set short-term goals and reduce anxiety.
Morally: A significant part of being a Midshipman is recognizing the moral responsibility you have to the institution, your peers, and the American people. You got the basics during Plebe Summer, but be sure to pay attention to the “Preparing to Lead” course during your 4th class year to strengthen your moral foundation.
Additionally, take a moment to read through the Midshipman Regulations (Mid Regs). Knowing the standards you are expected to uphold will help you enforce them effectively in the future as upperclassmen.
Physically: A major component of your overall order of merit includes fitness. Even with the substantial academic workload, maintaining your physical fitness is crucial. A daily fitness plan is key to success throughout the academic year. Here are three actionable steps:
- Daily physical training
- Set fitness goals
- Incorporating mobility and stretching exercises for long term performance
Starting fast at the United States Naval Academy requires a balanced approach to mental, moral, and physical preparation. Stay organized and use all available resources to navigate your coursework and responsibilities effectively. Set clear, short-term goals by breaking the academic year into manageable chunks. This strategy will help reduce anxiety and build steady momentum throughout your journey.
Ultimately, starting fast means being proactive, disciplined, and dedicated. Take advantage of the resources and support systems around you, and don’t hesitate to seek help when needed. By focusing on your mental, moral, and physical development, you will not only succeed but thrive at the United States Naval Academy. Build momentum, stay organized, and approach each day with determination and purpose.
- Captain Shakir S. Robinson, a 2015 graduate of the United States Naval Academy, distinguished himself as a member of the 2nd Company, a varsity athlete, and as the 1st Regimental Commander. He currently serves as a board member of Academy Insider and continues his career in the Marine Corps, where he is presently assigned to the U.S. Embassy in Mexico City, Mexico.
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